Samsung Braille Touchscreen Phone For Blind

Braille applied to mobile telephony, fourth episode. Do not be sluggish, but not raise the white flag even the study of a first real phone for the blind. Last Tuvie concept comes from and goes beyond the concept of touch screen, uses the technology called functional tactile feedback.

The Korean designer Seonkeun Park has worked for some time at a conceptual prototype mobile phone for the blind complete with screen and keyboard with braille symbols. With the use of Plastic Electric Active, you can activate the technology of “functional tactile feedback”, as called by the inventor.

It is a particular feature of the phone that could then display in real time any text the user through a system of non-auditory as tactile feedback, based on Braille. So the blind can not only read and send SMS, but also to play or even have access to online services simplified. But for the moment it is better to go cautious. The Braille has inspired several projects such as the glove-translator, mobile phone and another phone vibrating Conceptual Samsung.

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